What's next?

Autodomme Functionality

Improving Autodomme's ability to verify status, issue tasks, recognize task completion, and add punishment styles. Public acknowledgment for task completion and other achievements will also be included.

Profile Enhancement

Provide the ability for users to make their Autodomme profile public, add links to their profile, and complete a BDSM survey as part of their profile. Owners will also have the ability to view their submissive's full profile.

User Interactivity

Introduction of Autodomme rewards for Strava activities, a public list of timewasters on Twitter, weekly dildo usage announcements, and a new Autodomme kink badge. Completion of tasks will also be publicly acknowledged.

Subscription Services

Recognition for Patreon subscribers with added functionality, issuing of tasks based on user profile to subscribed submissives, and addition of a recommended shopping list for subscribed submissives.

Ownership Features

Owners can register, manage and assign tasks to their submissives. In addition, submissives can give control of their Pavlok to their owners.

Communication and Updates

Monthly Autodomme release notes are provided and publicised, a welcome email for new submissives and Patreon members, and an RSS feed for distributing updates.